JavaScript Promises and Async/Await Quiz

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Question 1/15

Choose the correct statement about `await` keyword:

Select your answer

Question 2/15

What will be the console output after the following code snippet?
async function func() {
  return 'hello world';

console.log(await func());

Select your answer

Question 3/15

Determine the correct outcome for this scenario.
let data;
async function fetchData() {
  const result = await Promise.resolve(42);
  data = result;

Select your answer

Question 4/15

What will the following code output?
async function test() {
  return await Promise.resolve('Hello');

Select your answer

Question 5/15

Given the following code, what does `someAsyncFunction` return?
function someAsyncFunction() {
  return Promise.resolve(123);

Select your answer

Question 6/15

What will be the console output of this JavaScript code?
async function run() {
  throw new Error('Something went wrong.');

run().catch(error => console.error(error.message));

Select your answer

Question 7/15

Which of the following statements correctly describes `Promise.allSettled()`?

Select your answer

Question 8/15

Why is the following code considered bad practice?
async function loadData() {
  fetch('').then(response => response.json());
  fetch('').then(response => response.json());

Select your answer

Question 9/15

What is often the primary motivation for using `Promise.any()` over `Promise.all()`?

Select your answer

Question 10/15

Which of the following is true about using `async` functions?

Select your answer

Question 11/15

What will be the value of `x` after executing the following code?
let x = 10;
(async function() {
  x += await 3;

Select your answer

Question 12/15

What would the output be after the execution of the following code?
async function process() {
  const p = new Promise(resolve => resolve('done'));
  return p.finally(() => 'cleaned');

Select your answer

Question 13/15

When running this code, what will be logged to the console?
async function exampleFunction() {
  try {
    return await Promise.reject('Failed');
  } catch (e) {

Select your answer

Question 14/15

In what scenario would using `Promise.race()` be beneficial?

Select your answer

Question 15/15

Which option correctly demonstrates how to handle multiple promise rejections?

Select your answer

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Question 1/15
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Choose the correct statement about `await` keyword:

Available answers

The `await` keyword is only valid inside async functions. It pauses the execution of the function and waits for the Promise to resolve.
Question 2/15
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What will be the console output after the following code snippet?
async function func() {
  return 'hello world';

console.log(await func());

Available answers

The `debugger;` statement pauses execution, allowing for inspection. Once resumed, `console.log(await func())` logs the resolved promise value, 'hello world'.
Question 3/15
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Determine the correct outcome for this scenario.
let data;
async function fetchData() {
  const result = await Promise.resolve(42);
  data = result;

Available answers

Immediately after `fetchData()` is invoked, `console.log(data);` runs before the promise resolves. Hence, `data` is `undefined` at the time of the log.
Question 4/15
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What will the following code output?
async function test() {
  return await Promise.resolve('Hello');

Available answers

The function `test` is an async function that immediately returns the result of `await Promise.resolve('Hello')`. Even though `await` is used, the resolved value is directly returned as the function's resolved promise, so `test().then(console.log)` will log 'Hello' to the console.
Question 5/15
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Given the following code, what does `someAsyncFunction` return?
function someAsyncFunction() {
  return Promise.resolve(123);

Available answers

The `someAsyncFunction` explicitly returns a Promise object that resolves with the value of 123. Therefore, the function call returns a promise that resolves to 123.
Question 6/15
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What will be the console output of this JavaScript code?
async function run() {
  throw new Error('Something went wrong.');

run().catch(error => console.error(error.message));

Available answers

The `run` function throws an error, which is caught and logged by the `.catch(error => console.error(error.message))` method. 'End' from `console.log('End')` is logged first because it is synchronous, and the error message is logged immediately after.
Question 7/15
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Which of the following statements correctly describes `Promise.allSettled()`?

Available answers

The `Promise.allSettled()` method returns a promise that resolves after all of the given promises have either resolved or rejected, with an array of objects that each describe the outcome of each promise.
Question 8/15
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Why is the following code considered bad practice?
async function loadData() {
  fetch('').then(response => response.json());
  fetch('').then(response => response.json());

Available answers

In the provided code, the fetch operations are asynchronous, and by not using `await` or returning the promises, any potential errors during fetching or JSON parsing are not handled, which can result in unhandled promise rejections.
Question 9/15
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What is often the primary motivation for using `Promise.any()` over `Promise.all()`?

Available answers

`Promise.any()` is useful when you need the earliest successfully resolved promise, such as when contacting several servers or services to respond, and you only need a successful response from one.
Question 10/15
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Which of the following is true about using `async` functions?

Available answers

An `async` function always returns a Promise, regardless of whether any `await` expressions are used within it. The presence of `await` expressions does not change the fact that the function as a whole is asynchronous.
Question 11/15
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What will be the value of `x` after executing the following code?
let x = 10;
(async function() {
  x += await 3;

Available answers

The right-hand side of the `+=` operator is `await 3`, which resolves to `3` as a resolved promise is created for any non-promise value. Thus, the value of `x` becomes `13`.
Question 12/15
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What would the output be after the execution of the following code?
async function process() {
  const p = new Promise(resolve => resolve('done'));
  return p.finally(() => 'cleaned');

Available answers

The `finally` method does not alter the value with which the promise resolves or rejects. Hence, the promise resolves with 'done', which is why 'done' is logged.
Question 13/15
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When running this code, what will be logged to the console?
async function exampleFunction() {
  try {
    return await Promise.reject('Failed');
  } catch (e) {

Available answers

The `Promise.reject('Failed')` throws an error, which is caught in the `catch (e)` block. Therefore, 'Failed' is logged to the console.
Question 14/15
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In what scenario would using `Promise.race()` be beneficial?

Available answers

`Promise.race()` returns the promise from the array that settles first, whether it is resolved or rejected. It's used when you need a result quickly from a series of potential sources.
Question 15/15
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Which option correctly demonstrates how to handle multiple promise rejections?

Available answers

`Promise.allSettled(promisesArray)` will return a promise that resolves after all input promises have settled, regardless of whether they fulfilled or rejected, allowing us to handle each promise's result individually.