JavaScript Date and Time Manipulation Quiz

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Question 1/15

How would you set the minutes of a `Date` object to 45?
let date = new Date();

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Question 2/15

Which method would you use to convert a JavaScript `Date` object to a string in the format: Wed Oct 08 2023?
let date = new Date('2023-10-08');

Select your answer

Question 3/15

What is the proper format for creating a specific date using the JavaScript `Date` constructor?

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Question 4/15

How do you get the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, for a specific date object in JavaScript?
let date = new Date('2023-01-01');

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Question 5/15

How can you get the last day of a particular month using JavaScript `Date`? (e.g., how to get the last day of February 2023)
let year = 2023;
let month = 1; // February
let date = new Date(year, month + 1, 0);

Select your answer

Question 6/15

What does the `getUTCHours()` method do for a `Date` object?
let date = new Date();

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Question 7/15

What is the method for setting the day of the month for a `Date` object in JavaScript?
let date = new Date();

Select your answer

Question 8/15

How do you create a new `Date` object representing the current date and time in JavaScript?

Select your answer

Question 9/15

What occurs if the month value is set to 12 in a JavaScript `Date` object?
let date = new Date();

Select your answer

Question 10/15

Which method can you use to convert a `Date` object to a string with only the time part, in the local time zone?
let date = new Date();

Select your answer

Question 11/15

Which JavaScript object provides methods for internationalization and localization of date and time?

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Question 12/15

How can you add one hour to a `Date` object in JavaScript?
let date = new Date();

Select your answer

Question 13/15

Which method would you use to get the current minutes from a `Date` object?
let date = new Date();

Select your answer

Question 14/15

What is a valid reason to use `Date.parse()` in JavaScript?

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Question 15/15

How do JavaScript `Date` objects internally store date values?

Select your answer

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Question 1/15
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How would you set the minutes of a `Date` object to 45?
let date = new Date();

Available answers

To set the minutes of a Date object to 45, you use `date.setMinutes(45)`. This method updates the minutes of the Date object.
Question 2/15
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Which method would you use to convert a JavaScript `Date` object to a string in the format: Wed Oct 08 2023?
let date = new Date('2023-10-08');

Available answers

The `toDateString()` method returns the date portion of a Date object as a string in a human-readable format like `Wed Oct 08 2023`.
Question 3/15
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What is the proper format for creating a specific date using the JavaScript `Date` constructor?

Available answers

When using the `Date` constructor, the correct format is `new Date(year, month, day)`, where month starts at 0 for January.
Question 4/15
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How do you get the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, for a specific date object in JavaScript?
let date = new Date('2023-01-01');

Available answers

The `getTime()` method returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC for the specified date object.
Question 5/15
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How can you get the last day of a particular month using JavaScript `Date`? (e.g., how to get the last day of February 2023)
let year = 2023;
let month = 1; // February
let date = new Date(year, month + 1, 0);

Available answers

Setting the day to 0 of the next month gives the last day of the preceding month. Here, `new Date(year, month + 1, 0)` results in the last day of February.
Question 6/15
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What does the `getUTCHours()` method do for a `Date` object?
let date = new Date();

Available answers

The `getUTCHours()` method returns the hours (0-23) of a Date object, according to universal time.
Question 7/15
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What is the method for setting the day of the month for a `Date` object in JavaScript?
let date = new Date();

Available answers

The `setDate()` method sets the day of the month for a date, taking a number from 1 to 31.
Question 8/15
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How do you create a new `Date` object representing the current date and time in JavaScript?

Available answers

In JavaScript, you create a new Date object representing the current date and time by using `new Date()`. This uses the system's current time and date.
Question 9/15
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What occurs if the month value is set to 12 in a JavaScript `Date` object?
let date = new Date();

Available answers

JavaScript automatically rolls the month over. Setting month 12 sets it to January of the next year because months start from 0 as an index.
Question 10/15
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Which method can you use to convert a `Date` object to a string with only the time part, in the local time zone?
let date = new Date();

Available answers

The `toLocaleTimeString()` method converts the time portion of a Date object to a string, using the current locale's formatting conventions.
Question 11/15
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Which JavaScript object provides methods for internationalization and localization of date and time?

Available answers

The `Intl.DateTimeFormat` object is part of the ECMAScript Internationalization API and provides language-sensitive date and time formatting.
Question 12/15
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How can you add one hour to a `Date` object in JavaScript?
let date = new Date();

Available answers

To add one hour to a `Date` object, use the `setHours` method with the `getHours` method, like this: `date.setHours(date.getHours() + 1)`. This increments the hour by 1.
Question 13/15
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Which method would you use to get the current minutes from a `Date` object?
let date = new Date();

Available answers

The `getMinutes()` method returns the minutes of a date as a number (0 to 59).
Question 14/15
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What is a valid reason to use `Date.parse()` in JavaScript?

Available answers

`Date.parse()` is used to parse a date string and return the number of milliseconds between the date represented by the string and midnight of January 1, 1970.
Question 15/15
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How do JavaScript `Date` objects internally store date values?

Available answers

Internally, JavaScript `Date` objects store dates as the number of milliseconds since midnight of January 1, 1970 UTC.