Git Basics Quiz

Challenge your understanding of the fundamentals of Git commands, such as clone, commit, push, and pull.

Question 1/15

What is the command to view the status of the repository?

Question 2/15

What is a remote in Git?

Question 3/15

What is the command to show the differences between two commits?

Question 4/15

What is the command to switch to a different branch?

Question 5/15

What is a pull request?

Question 6/15

What is the command to update the local repository with changes from the remote repository?

Question 7/15

What is the purpose of Gitignore file?

Question 8/15

What is a branch in Git?

Question 9/15

What is Git?

Question 10/15

What is the command to commit changes to the repository?

Question 11/15

What is the command to create a new Git repository?

Question 12/15

What is a conflict in Git?

Question 13/15

What is the command to clone a repository from a remote server?

Question 14/15

What is the command to create a new branch?

Question 15/15

What is the command to add files to the staging area?
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Your Answers

Question 1/15

What is the command to view the status of the repository?

The git status command shows the current status of the repository, including any changes made and files that are staged for commit.

Question 2/15

What is a remote in Git?

In Git, a remote is a server hosting a Git repository. It allows developers to push and pull changes to and from the remote repository.

Question 3/15

What is the command to show the differences between two commits?

The git diff command shows the differences between two commits, including changes made to files and lines of code.

Question 4/15

What is the command to switch to a different branch?

The git checkout command switches to a different branch in the repository.

Question 5/15

What is a pull request?

A pull request is a request to merge changes made in one branch to another branch, typically the main development branch.

Question 6/15

What is the command to update the local repository with changes from the remote repository?

The git pull command updates the local repository with changes from the remote repository.

Question 7/15

What is the purpose of Gitignore file?

The purpose of a Gitignore file is to list the files and directories that should be ignored by Git when tracking changes. This is useful for excluding files like temporary files, log files, or compiled code that should not be committed to the repository.

Question 8/15

What is a branch in Git?

A branch in Git is a version of the codebase that is separate from the main development branch, allowing for experimentation and development of new features without affecting the main codebase.

Question 9/15

What is Git?

Git is a distributed version control system used for tracking changes in code and collaborating on software development projects.

Question 10/15

What is the command to commit changes to the repository?

The git commit command creates a new commit with the changes made to the files in the staging area.

Question 11/15

What is the command to create a new Git repository?

The git init command initializes a new Git repository.

Question 12/15

What is a conflict in Git?

A conflict in Git occurs when two branches have made changes to the same file or lines of code, and Git is unable to automatically merge the changes. Developers must manually resolve the conflict by editing the affected files and choosing which changes to keep.

Question 13/15

What is the command to clone a repository from a remote server?

The git clone command creates a local copy of a repository from a remote server.

Question 14/15

What is the command to create a new branch?

The git branch command creates a new branch in the repository.

Question 15/15

What is the command to add files to the staging area?

The git add command adds files to the staging area, preparing them to be committed.

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