What is the Sass @forward rule?

The Sass @forward rule is a new way of managing and re-exporting variables, functions, and mixins from one module to another in Sass version 3.6. It allows you to forward or "re-export" specific variables, functions, and mixins from one module to another, without having to duplicate or copy them.

With the @forward rule, you can import a module and forward specific variables, functions, and mixins to another module. For example, you can use the following code to forward the $primary-color variable from a module called colors to a module called main:

// colors.scss
$primary-color: #ff0000;

// main.scss
@use 'colors';
@forward 'colors' $primary-color;

This allows you to easily share and reuse variables, functions, and mixins across different modules in your project, without having to duplicate them or copy them to each module.

The @forward rule is also useful when you want to have a specific set of variables, functions, and mixins that you want to make available to different parts of your project and you don't want to make everything available.

It is important to note that the @forward rule does not allow you to forward the entire contents of a module, you have to explicitly forward each variable, function, and mixin you want to make available.

In summary, the Sass @forward rule is a powerful tool for managing and re-exporting variables, functions, and mixins from one module to another. It allows you to forward or "re-export" specific variables, functions, and mixins from one module to another, without having to duplicate or copy them, making it easier to share and reuse variables, functions, and mixins across different modules in your project.

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