What is a focus trap, or focus trapping?

A focus trap, also known as focus trapping, is a technique used in web development to restrict the focus of a user within a specific area of a webpage. This technique is often used to improve the accessibility of modal dialogs, dropdown menus, and other similar elements that require users to interact with them before they can return to the rest of the webpage. In this blog post, we will explore what a focus trap is, how it works, and its benefits for accessibility.

How it works

A focus trap is typically implemented using JavaScript, and it works by trapping the focus of a user within a specific area of a webpage. When a user activates a focus trap, the first element within the trapped area receives focus, and the last element receives a special "trap" event that prevents the user from leaving the trapped area using the tab key. This ensures that the user must interact with the elements within the trapped area before they can return to the rest of the webpage.

Example focus trap

For example, consider a modal dialog that contains a form. When the modal dialog is opened, a focus trap is activated, trapping the focus of the user within the form. The user can then interact with the form, filling out the fields and submitting the form. Once the form is submitted, the focus trap is deactivated, and the user can return to the rest of the webpage.

Benefits of focus trapping

Focus trapping is beneficial for accessibility because it ensures that users who rely on keyboard navigation can access and interact with elements within a trapped area without getting lost or accidentally leaving the area. This is especially important for users who rely on screen readers, as it ensures that they can interact with the elements within a trapped area in the order in which they were intended.

It's also important to note that focus trapping should be used in combination with other accessibility features to provide a more comprehensive and user-friendly experience for all users. For example, it's important to provide an option for users to close a modal dialog using the keyboard, and to provide clear instructions on how to navigate within a trapped area.


In conclusion, a focus trap, or focus trapping, is a technique used in web development to restrict the focus of a user within a specific area of a webpage. It is often used to improve the accessibility of modal dialogs, dropdown menus, and other similar elements that require users to interact with them before they can return to the rest of the webpage. It is beneficial for accessibility because it ensures that users who rely on keyboard navigation can access and interact with elements within a trapped area. However, it should be used in combination with other accessibility features to provide a more comprehensive and user-friendly experience for all users.

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