The Sass built-in string module: an introduction with code examples

The SASS built-in string module is a collection of functions within the SASS language that provides tools for working with strings. It provides functions for manipulating and transforming strings, as well as converting values to strings and concatenating strings. 

The string module can be used to dynamically generate CSS styles and make it easier to manage and maintain stylesheets. With its flexible and powerful features, the SASS string module is a valuable tool for any SASS developer.

In this blog post, we will explore the SASS built-in string module and see how it can be used with code examples.

String Manipulation Functions

The SASS built-in string module provides a set of functions for manipulating and transforming strings. Here are a few examples:

$string: "Hello, world!";

@debug str-length($string); // Outputs the length of the string
@debug str-slice($string, 7, 5); // Outputs 'world'
@debug to-upper-case($string); // Outputs 'HELLO, WORLD!'
@debug to-lower-case($string); // Outputs 'hello, world!'

In these examples, the @debug directive is used to print the results of the string manipulation functions to the console. The str-length() function outputs the length of the string, while the str-slice() function extracts a portion of the string. The to-upper-case() and to-lower-case() functions convert the string to uppercase or lowercase, respectively.

String Conversion Functions

The SASS built-in string module also provides a set of functions for converting values to strings and concatenating strings. Here are a few examples:

$number: 42;
$list: (1, 2, 3);

@debug str-inspect($number); // Outputs '42'
@debug join($list, ", "); // Outputs '1, 2, 3'

In this example, the str-inspect() function is used to convert the $number variable to a string. The join() function is used to concatenate the elements of the $list variable, separated by a comma and a space.


The SASS built-in string module provides a set of functions for working with strings in Sass. Whether you are manipulating strings, transforming strings, converting values to strings, or concatenating strings, the built-in string module is a valuable tool for any Sass developer. With its flexible and powerful features, the string module can help streamline your stylesheet and make it easier to manage and maintain.

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